Before the loan is paid out you have to identify yourself personally as the person authorized to sign as well as identify the company, according to the money laundering act. For the identification process you have the following possibilities:
- For the company identification you can either transfer CHF 5.00 from the company's bank account to the account of Cashare or you have the possibility to send us a notarized excerpt from the commercial register. (Please use the account information provided below if you choose to use the transfer method. Do not use any reference number and execute the payment from your e-banking. A payment at the counter via payment slip cannot be accepted for a personal identification.)
- As a person authorized to sign you can identify yourself by transferring CHF 5.00 from your personal bank account to the account of Cashare as well or you can visit a postal office with your ID-Card, your passport or residency permit. The postal employees will perform a "yellow identification" (, make a copy of your ID and confirm the validity (non-recurring cost of the Post CHF 25.00). Many municipalities, SBB Change /Western Union, notaries and mobilezone shops also offer this service. Please send the original of the certified copy to Cashare.
Postal Adress:
Cashare AG
Bösch 73
6331 Hünenberg
Cashare AG
Bösch 73
6331 Hünenberg
Cashare bank details:
PostFinance account in the name of Cashare AG
IBAN: CH06 0900 0000 6076 2123 0
PostFinance account in the name of Cashare AG
IBAN: CH06 0900 0000 6076 2123 0
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