The coverage is offered in various rate combinations which you can select when submitting your statement of enrollment in the group insurance contract. The rate combinations are: (i) coverage in case of death only, (ii) death and full incapacity for work, (iii) death, full incapacity for work and involuntary unemployment. The insurance covers only the rate combination stated on your confirmation of insurance. If taken out, the following coverage is in place:
- In the event of death: Payment of the outstanding balance on the loan agreement up to a maximum of CHF 100,000 less the amount by which you are in arrears.
- in case of full incapacity for work: Payment (a) of the monthly instalment stipulated in the loan agreement or (b) of the loan amount outstanding on the 61st day of the incapacity for work or (c) of a maximum of CHF 2,000 per month, depending on which amount is the lowest, for a maximum of 12 months per insurance case. If the incapacity for work continues for less than one full month after the 61st day, AXA shall pay 1/30 of the aforementioned amount for each day of the continuing full incapacity for work or unemployment.
- in case of involuntary unemployment: Payment (a) of the monthly instalment stipulated in the loan agreement or (b) of the loan amount outstanding on the 61st day of the unemployment or (c) of a maximum of CHF 2,000 per month, depending on which amount is the lowest, for a maximum of 12 months per insurance case. If the unemployment continues for less than one full month after the 61st day, AXA shall pay 1/30 of the aforementioned amount for each day of the continuing full incapacity for work or unemployment.
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