The residual debt insurance with Cashare covers your loan repayments in the following situations:

  1. Disability:
    If you are fully disabled due to illness or accident, the insurance will cover your monthly loan payments. Coverage starts after a waiting period of 60 days and will either cover the agreed monthly installment, the outstanding loan amount from the 61st day of disability, or up to CHF 2,000 per month. This benefit is provided for up to 12 months per claim​.

  2. Involuntary Unemployment:
    If you become involuntarily unemployed, the insurance also covers your monthly payments after a waiting period of 60 days. Like with disability, monthly installments up to a maximum of CHF 2,000 per month are covered for up to 12 months per claim​.

In both cases, the residual debt insurance protects you from financial hardship and ensures that your loan repayments are maintained during difficult times.



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