The platform fee is 0.75% of the amount borrowed. The minimum fee for private borrowers is CHF 75.00.
Transparency is important to us. Accordingly, we inform you about possible fees that may apply in certain situations for borrowers (in case we have to send reminders, personal data is outdated in „My Cashare“ payments at counter as well as deposits at a teller window):
Avoidable payment fees:
1st reminder open Instalment: CHF 30.00
2nd reminder open Instalment: CHF 50.00
3rd reminder open Instalment: CHF 75.00
Address inquiry: CHF 25.00
Delayed payment interest: defined in the loan agreement
Collection handling fee: CHF 100.00 / h
Review Globalzession: CHF 50.00 / mo
Payments at counter: Effective 3rd party costs
Insurance in case of death & Insurance in case of unemployment/disability (voluntary)
In the case of credit transactions, death insurance up to the age of 65 is mandatory for borrowers.
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