When financing a loan on the Cashare platform you can benefit from multiple attractive possibilities:

- You can get attractive returns beyond traditional asset classes.
- You can diversify your portfolio according to your readiness to assume risk and your personal preferences and complement your existing investments optimally.
- You are independent of fluctuations on financial markets or from low interest rates.
- You can support people directly through the loans you finance and can choose yourself in which loan projects you want to invest.
- You only have to pay a low fee (0.75% per year on the effectively outstanding loan amount)
- You do not have to deal with the settlement and can rely on secure and simple lending via the Cashare platform
- You can also use Cashare to lend money to friends or acquaintances. Both parties profit from clear arrangements and the settlement through Cashare, which avoids disputes.
- You can have access to credit project free of charge.

With Cashare you bet on the first crowdlending-platform in Switzerland.

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